It is good to regularly check the status of your spare tire. Check the pressure in it, as well as visible damages on the surface and in the depth of the tread.
Driving with low pressure, increase the heat inside the tire. This may lead to a separation of the tire, which in turn leads to wear and breakage of the thread.
Retrievable operation is the process of removing a part of the rubber layer in order to increase the tread depth.
For that purpose, in the design of some tires is provided additional rubber layerin order to increase the depth of the tread.
The choice of tires for trucks and buses is a complex solution including a number of elements, and depending on the specific operating conditions.
Although manufacturers add antioxidants, it does not stop the aging process of the tire. Proper storage method, however, can considerably slow down the process. When keeping tires with wheels tires are laid horizontally or lying on one another, and without wheels - vertically without being placed over one another.
Nitrogen has a much more consistent density compared tothe air. For optimum effect ofinflating nitrogen in normal cars should first draw all the air from the tires. After being unfitted from the rims, they must be cleaned and they have no moisture. Before re-mounting, the wheels need to be greased with lubricant that contains no water
All tires inflated with air, gradually lose their quality. This is commonly called " aging " of the tire. The real reason for the change of the properties of a tire is in the oxygen molecules contained in the air with which the tire is inflated. It is a mixture of several gases - mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21 %).
Sports tires are somewhere between a racing slick and normal tire, but are closer to the first type. They have a minimal number of grooves which are of less depth. Furthermore, they are made of a softer compound and have a much shorter life.
The construction of the tire has big importance for its overall structure, for strength, loading capacity, torsion and internal resistance, but it is the tread that makes the direct contact with the road. On the market you can find thousands of tread patterns where functionality and aesthetics are combined in different proportions.